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Sunday, January 8, 2017

Today's post is done in the Spirit of "Fair"-ness..... (Viewer Discretion is advised to those of you with weak Stomachs!)

I keep seeing Posts on FB like this, and it disturbs me immensely, and not for the reasons many of you might think. They disturb me because they are so far from the truth that it's pathetic.... and! because these kinds of posts are part of the reason so many People can not get well and stay well. Food is Life & Health.... or it's Death and Disease. That's the choice we make everytime we lift a fork or spoon. We eat unto Life or Death with every bite we take. Now, having said that, let me also state for the record that while I'm an avid Raw Food/Vegan/Vegetarian, non-GMO, non White, Sugar, Flour or anything processed or white, Oranic or nothing kind of Gal, I don't advocate my Lifestyle upon anyone else, (Unless they ask for it). I believe People are entitled to know the "TRUTH" about what's in the Food they're eating, but beyond that, it's a Free Country and you can eat as you please. In the meantime, I wish People could actually 'see' the magnificent Food that I eat everyday.... that "I" feel blows all of the Genetically processed DEAD Food that many of you are eating everyday away. So, in the spirit of Truth and giving, i will be sharing some AMAZING Raw/Non processed Recipes with ya'all today.... and yeah, these will show you that a plateful of Ice Cubes doesn't even remotely resemble the Culinary Delights Raw Vegans enjoy. (And these just barely scratch the surface of the RAW Food World I have the pleasure of inhabiting!).... God didn't put us in a "Garden" in Eden for no reason. Nope, I'd never go back to what I used to eat, for any amount of Money. (Take your time as you scroll across each delicious image)... ;) 

Now I know I shouldn't post the following Meanie-type-Meme, but.... as I stated in the Title of this Post that I'm doing this in the "Spirit of Fairness" for all of us (non-Meat-Eaters) who are just as tired of all those Grotesque Images of the Food that the REST of the World eats that really 'bugs' us.... and for very good reasons. 

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